Pashang's Work "Haloo"

A collection of Pashang Salehi's art, poetry, etc.

Women in Iran

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Let us think of a country older than old.

It was called Persia, Iran, we were told.

Once, it was so green with flowers and wine.

Now, it’s filled with the filth; killing is their sign.

They kill under the name of God and Islam.

The people are tired; they can’t remain calm.

Women burn their hijabs and make their souls free.  

It is hard not to see, who could disagree?

The Islamic regime kills them without shame.

There is no way fire extinction their flame.

Those kids are mine and yours, hoping to be free.

They want to see freedom as we all see. 

Do not turn your head on basic freedom.

Liberty is a must; they fight for freedom.

I am hoping to see this kinetic move,

Bring them all the joy so life can improve.

