Look for me in rainbows; I am always there.
Dancing with your music, no time is to spare.
I am always drunken, drunken with your songs.
I’m living within you; you do always care.
I will be the sunlight moonlight when it’s night.
Nightingales sing all night since you are always bright.
I am always drinking, drinking of your dew.
Drunken like a swallow dancing in your light.
I have been long awaiting, hoping to know you,
I can hear your music, loving through and through.
Me and all the flowers are always trying hard,
Hoping you can teach us more than we can do.
Watching you at sunset underneath a tree,
Seeking to find wisdom, learning how to see.
My eyes are so blinded they see only gray.
Gray is always sorrow; free me in your glee.
I am always lonely; nature is my friend.
Talking, smiling, dancing is when I do pretend.
Sounds of you are music, music to my soul,
tell me, hold me, teach me how all this will end.
8/6/2022 Haloo
“The sounds of Earth are the music of my soul.” Rumi