Pashang's Work "Haloo"

A collection of Pashang Salehi's art, poetry, etc.


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I flew once in a field full of flowers,

a field that was kissed by April showers.

I tasted all the jasmines, as they were new,

I did bathe on a leaf in a little dew. 

I was always busy playing till midnight,

I woke up, and I was not sure of my sight.

I was a bird soaring as high as a hawk. 

Flying like a wind, with the wind, had a talk.

I turned into the wind and then to a cloud,

A dark cloud with the sound of thundering loud. 

I turned into the rain after being cloud,

quenching the deserts with silvery shroud.

I turned into river, and then to a sea,

even as water I was able to see.

I turned into a fish, perfectly aware,     

knowing that my lover was surely out there. 

Swimming like a fish, my world became cold,

I lost my will to live, and soon I got old.

I heard a nightingale calling me at night, 

telling me that being a man would be alright.

I turned into a man in search of wisdom, 

hoping that love and peace would rule the kingdom. 

A lot of years have passed with my broken heart, 

I could not find the peace; I needed a new start. 

I will change back again to look for my love;

maybe a lamb or sheep, maybe a white dove. 

I will look everywhere until it is found. 

I know it’s there for me if I look around. 

Until then, I’ll become laughter to a child, 

or maybe dandelions that grow wild.

