I am not “me”; the “me” is gone; where is she?
Nowhere is “me,” I can’t find “me”; where is “me”?
I am so lost that “me” is gone; hear me cry,
The one I was the two we were lost all three.
Love I would steal; now it’s so real, without you;
I am not there; you are not here; will I be?
Where is “me” now? I can’t find her; she is gone.
I am lonely, without “me” now, can you see?
Let me be now, I want me now, in my dreams;
the “me” will come loving and loved; set me free.
How much longer I dream of you without you?
Tears will fall in all my thoughts in grief and glee.
The “me” is free, the free is glee, ask Haloo,
He knows that “me” sitting with me makes us we.
This is a form of Ghazal without refrain