My only hourglass is running out of sand.
For sure, there is nothing within Promised Land.
Stop for a second, and think; what is gone is gone.
Regret that youth never went as it was planned.
Upon which path did I come into this life?
Nothing easy came up for me in this strife.
I did not ask for this; I must return soon.
I need some courage, an unmerciful knife.
I am leaving, and my path is too oblique.
A thousand mysteries will make a mystique.
Where is my destination? Who is driving?
When I get there, I know it will be unique.
Half of this world to me was pain and half loss.
A lot of people I know act as my boss.
I want to fly and dance with swallows at dawn;
Or maybe talk to a man who was on the cross.
1/18/17 Haloo Rubaiyat