Pashang's Work "Haloo"

A collection of Pashang Salehi's art, poetry, etc.

Sour Fantasy…

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I saw you there passing by.

   Walking graceful, kind of shy.

Body gorgeous angel face,

   Hair was so long, dim the sky.

Breasts like lemons marble legs,

   Rosy lips with tender thigh.

Looked at me with eyes so blue,

   Blue like ocean, my my my.

Words failed me to make a sound,

   I called you with a yearning sigh.

I was silent, you disgust;

   You ignored me; I asked why

You told me that I am mad,

   All I have to do is try.

I am old or maybe drunk,

   I can at least dream to fly.

Let my fingers touch your skin,

   Kiss your valleys mountain high.

I am in love with my love,

   Even though she thinks it’s a lie. 

Love that hurts will never pass,

   Cross my heart and hope to die.

Haloo, go to sleep; it’s late.

   She is gone; just say goodbye.

8/10/18   Haloo

For: NV