Pashang's Work "Haloo"

A collection of Pashang Salehi's art, poetry, etc.


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How do I know that what is divine?

What does he do now? I need a sign.

I am uncertain what the truth is,

All the prophets or a mouth full of wine.


I am like a fish; live in a bowl.

To live in the sea it is my goal.

What if the bowl is the sea I seek?

The sea and I are one as a whole.


How can I trust you on such and such?

How can you feel it without a touch?

Eyes are so blinded; how can you see?

Your blessed divine is much too much.


I am a divine as good as him.

Once, I was shining, now old and dim.

I did not come from Adam and Eve,

I live in a bowl, ready to swim.


If you want to find it, go within.

Break your cage and let your life begin.

All it is is good and all divine.

We are here to play and not to win.


If the thing you seek is everywhere,

How can you see it is here and there?

The books were all written long ago,

Is there a divine? I do not care.


Maybe my darkness lights up the world.

I hope that our world will shine like gold. 

No more killing that, what divine is,

What that I had said had to be told.


I will live my life ready to fly.

I’ll be part of Earth the day I die.

There is no heaven; there is no hell.

When the time is here, I’ll say goodbye.

