The love is light, delight if you have it, awesome flight.
No kiss or touch you need; all that you need is your sight.
When you look, all the look will be the kiss and your touch.
All tomorrows will be your one and only tonight.
Being enslaved to my love and soul until when?
My heart always demands to control until when?
Once if I find a knife, I will cut him in pieces.
Hope I have strength to hide him in a hole until when?
I’d rather live and not have any pain in my heart.
Why do I need the heart when nobody shares its part?
Regret that life is passing everybody so so fast.
If you don’t need the love out of the heart, pain will start.
What is this heart that has four different chambers in?
One is for love, the rest pain; it’s always has been.
If I’ll be born again, I want to have no more heart,
I do not mind muscle, bone, and live in my skin.
The love that hurts is not love; it’s a painful burn.
If you survive the pain, you definitely will learn.
Let me have pain again. I want to burn one more time,
What a nice pain it is, I positively return.
9/9/2017 Haloo